The danger of “swift action” by government

Politicians are sometimes praised for implementing “swift action” to tackle alleged problems. Biden certainly lived that out by signing 28 executive orders in his first two days of office. What politicians fail to recognize is that “swift action” can look good in the short term, but backfire in the long term.

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Myers Briggs, Software Engineers, and the battle of the sexes

Have you ever noticed that software engineers (like most people in the STEM fields) tend to be male? And… if we’re being honest… they are kind of a “special breed” (to put it politely). Some research I’ve been doing lately may shed some light on the battle of the sexes in various industries. Get your math hat on; we’ve got charts aplenty today.

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Alberta Unemployment / Notley Effect – Part 3

It has been suggested that my claims are hateful and false. Someone else challenged my interpretation of the data, and suggested I was being silly and desperate. I’m not much swayed by accusations that I’m hateful, silly and desperate, but to claim that I’m being deceptive, or incorrectly interpreting data… let’s just say that gets my attention.

The suggestion was made that Alberta’s unemployment is pretty much directly correlated to the price of oil (WTI) and any “additional” explanations are unnecessary. In short, there is no “Notley Effect” and I simply misread the data.

I hope you are ready for another chart…

Continue reading “Alberta Unemployment / Notley Effect – Part 3”